“I had some dental work done that was quite extreme – taking off a permanent bridge. It was pretty traumatic and the next day I started to feel funny and got dizzy. I was vomiting and sick to my stomach and could not even walk, I believe I was having vertigo. Fortunately, I immediately thought of coning my ears, which I did and within 15 – 20 minutes after coning, everything I had been experiencing left me. I also find that coning my ears at night gives me a really good night’s sleep.” M.G., Wayne, MI, USA
“I am pleased to inform you of the excellent results I have experienced with your ear candles. During a recent bout of severe sinusitis, I was medicated by my doctor with heavy antibiotics and a decongestant. I had no relief whatever from the immediate sinus pressure and extreme pain in the bones of my face. I had Coning done each day for four consecutive days and was amazed at the instant relief that I experienced – the immediate release of pressure and pain. After the fourth day the blockage diminished and the pain subsided. Although I am sure that the drugs eventually began to work, it was the Coning alone that gave immediate relief from the intense pain and pressure. I have always felt that coning was an effective, gentle and non-intrusive procedure and this recent experience has confirmed my advocacy of the method, I thank you.” L.S., Toronto, Ontario
“After dental surgery I had daily Conings for five days in a row for healing and swelling; I noticed that I felt the clearest that I have ever felt on many many levels in my life.” Greg, Calgary Alberta
“Coning has made a big difference for me and my two children. My hearing became sharper and my eyes don’t bother me now when I drive at night – I can see like a night hawk and for a further distance. Unbelievable! I can breathe a lot better. My taste buds are more sensitive along with smells. I am a smoker and it has made me smoke less. My children and I have truly been given a new sense of direction.” Y.T., Comox, BC
“Derek, my 10 year old grandson, has had ear problems, colds and allergies for a long time and every winter gets sick and stuffed up. Over the winter I was able to cone his ears about once or so a month but it didn’t take much to notice that Derek no longer was getting colds and his allergies were definitely better.” M.G., Wayne, MI, USA
“About two hours after attending your workshop and having a Coning treatment, something wonderful happened. I felt a pop in the left ear which seemed like a clearing in the eustachian tube. I felt wide awake and very focused. Again, thank you.” C.C., Carleton Place, Ontario
German Television Broadcast, 1995: A television program entitled “An hour in the Doctor’s Surgery” was broadcast containing some interviews on the use of ear cones. Among the interviewees, Mrs. Ylrike Lorbiezki said, “I use ear cones on my children as a supplementary remedy against heavy colds and flu. I always use the cones on both ears when the cold persists and begins to settle into the nose. I carry out the treatment before putting them to bed, because I have noticed that the children sleep more peacefully during the night. In this way I help the cold using fewer drugs.”
The Atlas of Primary Care Procedures, 2003, by Thomas J. Zuber & E. J. Mayeaux Jr., is a comprehensive 632 page book outlining the medical procedures most commonly performed in an office setting, under the heading ‘Ear, Nose and Throat Procedures’ the authors discuss, under ‘Cerumen Impaction removal’, that ear candling is a popular alternative method.