What Others Say
“I simply won’t user any other cone candles but yours! You put your energy and healing touch in every one. As a licensed holistic practitioner for the past thirteen years, I have performed ear coning on several hundred people. Initially, I tried different brands of cone candles but discovered very quickly that none compared to yours.” T.VH., Toronto
“your candles really are the best – the energy is so clear and fine. Everyone I treat really loves them, and I love working with them.” V.K., Toronto, Ontario
“I have been using Sandra’s cone candles since 1997 and would never even consider using any others. If you have ever met Sandra, you already know that she is a positive, calm and open person, radiating a wholeness, a peacefulness. This energy, held in yer candles, becomes part of the healing I am able to help people achieve through ear coning.” D.S., Windsor, Ontario
“I learned ear coning from Sandra in the early 90’s and have used her candles ever since. I’ve had other candles offered to me but none of them have been of the same excellent quality. The vibration of Sandra’s candles is good and strong; a good complement to the coning session. Sandra is always there for support, available for any questions, offering the benefit of her valuable years of experience with coning.” S.A., Nepean, Ontario
“I thoroughly enjoyed the Coning practitioner course you taught at the College. It opened new worlds to me. I’d like to thank you and I look forward to our paths crossing again. Be well.” Linda, Mississauga, Ontario